
Нахрапник у вигляді голови фантастичної істоти

Автор невідомий350 - 310 BCE

Національний музей історії України

Національний музей історії України
Київ, Україна

This gold noseband was made in the form of a head of a fantastic creature situated on a narrowed, in the middle, shaped base. Its jaw is wide open, the tongue is protruded, and long ears raised. There`s a round-through hole in the base of the beast`s neck. The base is decorated along the edge with a geometrical ornament of circles and notches. Details were made with deep carving.
The noseband was a part of the bridle set from the central burial of Ohuz burial mound. Ohuz is considered to be the largest barrow in the steppe Scythia.
Scientists assume that the burrow could be the tomb of the Scythian king Ateas. Excavation of the barrow began in the 19th century, but complete research of the finding was finished in 1980. The central grave with the remains of a Scythian king was 6 meters underground. In the north “wing”, a woman's burial site was located, supposedly of the king`s wife or daughter. In the west “wing,” unidentified skeletons of a grown man and a teenager were found. Inside Ohuz barrow, archaeologists found different jewellery made of silver and gold, antique dishes, and bone decorations of a sarcophagus. It should be noted that some part of the treasures was stolen by “black archaeologists”, and some part was moved to the territory of Russia, where they were included in the State Hermitage collection.

Показати меншеДокладніше
  • Назва: Нахрапник у вигляді голови фантастичної істоти
  • Автор: Автор невідомий
  • Дата створення: 350 - 310 BCE
  • Місце створення: Невідоме
  • Фізичні розміри: l 66, w 39, h 26mm
  • Тип: Спорядження
  • Права: National Museum of the History of Ukraine
  • Матеріал: Золото, лиття, карбування
  • Період: Доба раннього заліза
  • Місце знахідки: Курган Огуз (Центральна могила) поблизу селища міського типу Нижні Сірогози, Херсонська область, Україна
  • Культура: Скіфи
Національний музей історії України

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