
The Curve of the Poprad River in Strážky

Ladislav Mednyánszky1875

Slovak National Gallery

Slovak National Gallery
Bratislava, Slovensko

Curve of the river Poprad was Mednyánszky´s favourite motive. He used to walk beside the river and draw sketches since childhood. Several artworks in this motive, where through the curve of the river painter offers view of Tatra mountains in the distance were preserved. Under the influence of Barbizon, author tries to express the impression of the mountain view again.

Zobrazit méněZobrazit více
  • Název: The Curve of the Poprad River in Strážky
  • Autor: Ladislav Mednyánszky
  • Datum: 1875
  • Místo: Spišská Belá - Strážky
Slovak National Gallery

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