A stylised figural presentation of a winged animal (a donkey or horse stallion), given in left profile and ochre body with white accentuation, by which a standing human figure is partly covered with a wing; this black haired and black eyed man with face given en face and body turned to the left (the physiognomy with black accents, a whitish incarnation and clothes). The background includes three coloured belts. The myths with the pronounced respect for animals as primordial parents and the belief in summarization of people and animals are presented in his paintings by duplication and reduction of human and animal figures and multiplication of heads and limbs. The artist prefigured the symbiosis of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figures, where all the alchemy of his pictorial expression is clearly visible. It is paradoxical that the artist’s very style counteracts the narrative aspect of the painting and completely concentrates on the pictorial value with the strength on an unconscious neo-primitive (N. Krstić).