
Volume 3, page 632-635 / Proclamations regarding war with Napoleon Page 2

José María Estudillo, Luis Peralta, and Pedro Garivay

History San José

History San José
San Jose, United States

I send you the official document and the proclamation that his Excellency the Viceroy of New Spain has sent to us and circulated throughout his domain relating the sad state of affairs of our beloved monarch, the rightful king of Spain and the Indies, Don Fernando VII. Pretending to be his closest friend and ally, the greatest traitor in the universe seized his Royal Highness at a feast. This man is Emperor Napoleon I, the French intruder. When he seized our beloved King, the Royal family, and others who were present, he forced them to renounce the crown of Spain and the Indies in favor of him. When the news of the cunning, vile behavior of the infamous Emperor Napoleon reached our nation, the people rose up and formed powerful armies to fight to free our beloved Fernando, vowing not to give up until his freedom had been attained. It has been shown that God and the Holy Mother, Patroness of Spain and the Indies, have protected such a holy endeavor. For, our army already has defeated 170,000 French soldiers who were in Spain under the pretense of alliance when this news became public. His Excellency the Viceroy reports that our troops are prepared to invade France and we are waiting the outcome.

We cannot assist our brothers in their fight due to the great distance that separates us. However, we can donate money to help pay the troops who are shedding their blood. The Viceroy suggests that this is the most forceful way we can demonstrate our love for our motherland, religion and sovereign.

With this goal in mind, assemble the Alcalde and the Regidores and read them my official communication, the one from His Excellency, and the Proclamation. Immediately after, have the officials instruct the guards to bring all the townspeople together, even the militiamen and inválidos, and read the same documents to them. Encourage them as best you can to donate as much as possible, whether in money, flour, corn, or beans. Those who say they will pay later, at harvest time, must provide the habilitación with a declaration of the amount of their donation. Prepare a list specifying the person’s name and what is being donated. Make a copy and send me the original list, signed by you and the officials, which I then will send to His Excellency, as he has so ordered.

Make a copy for the Archives of His Excellency’s communication, my communication and the Proclamation. Attach to each document proof that it has been made public. Have the comisionado of the Villa of Branciforte return the documents to me straightaway.

God keep you many years.
Monterey, February 26, 1809
José María Estudillo

This is a copy.
Luis Peralta

The courageous Spanish nation rose up en masse to undertake the glorious and necessary endeavor of liberating our sacred and rightful King, Señor Don Fernando VII. With irreverence and treachery, the traitorous hand of the perfidious French Emperor seize the King like prey from his beloved subjects. His horrendous plan was to usurp the crown that had been placed upon the brow of our venerable, pious, Catholic monarch by Divine Providence, rights of accession, and the unanimous voice of the people.

The upheaval that was to affect many branches of government, their ministers and treasuries, the tranquility of the citizens and their lands, and ultimately, the reasonable laws that govern us, was not only apparent and inevitable but also loomed over the Americas. Enemy squadrons already were preparing to travel there with the goal of conquering them. The defense against so many evils has been the strength and bravery of our peninsular brothers, who, bearing arms, have chosen death before the dishonor of the entire nation. Although we cannot physically come to their aid, we have the undeniable obligation to do so not only with prayers to o our Lord God, who being strong and powerful in battle will bless their operations, but also with our money and any other assistance we can provide so that they will remain strong in their defense of one of the most just causes that will be read about in the pages of history.

They also will make our efforts known to the universe. At issue now is that we can contribute, due to the distance that separates us from our grieving fathers, our widowed mothers, and our young brothers, who are defenseless against misery and despair. In view of this I am strongly convinced that never before have we been presented with a matter of such dire consequence to our Holy Religion, our sad, beloved King, and ourselves. Make every effort to contribute all you can by way of monetary donations. If you lack money, you may contribute instead any useful produce of the earth. Thus you will equal or rival the generous donations that were made and accepted at this Royal Palace at the meeting that took place last August 9. Let it be understood that as of now, an account book will remain open to record what is collected. Those who receive the donations should deposit them in the general collection boxes here in the capital or in the provinces of their respective districts. I issue the appropriate orders with this goal in mind and await news of your donation in the name of religion, fidelity, and patriotism.

God keep you many years.
Mexico, October 3, 1808

Proclamation Señor Comandante del Presidio de Monterey

To all inhabitants of our city, Don Pedro Garivay, Field Marshal of the Royal Armies, Viceroy, Governor, and Captain General of New Spain, President of his Royal Audience, Superintendent General.

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  • Title: Volume 3, page 632-635 / Proclamations regarding war with Napoleon Page 2
  • Creator: José María Estudillo, Luis Peralta, Pedro Garivay
  • Date: 1808-10-03/1809-02-26
  • Date Created: 1808-10-03/1809-02-26
  • Location: San Jose (Calif.)
  • Location Created: Monterey (Calif.)
  • Original Language: Spanish
  • Provenance: Spanish-Mexican Records of the Pueblo de San José de Guadalupe
  • Subject Keywords: war, Spain, Mexico, colonies, 19th century, Peninsular War, France, government
  • Transcript:
    Acompaño a V. el ofisio y la Procla ma qe el eselenzo Sor Virrey de N. España nos has dirigido y sirculado en todos sus dominios la qe le ynstruira del ynfelis estado en qe se haya N. Amanzno Monarca y señor Natural Rey de las espenas e Yndias Dn Fernando 7o. Or la perfidia del mayor traydor del universo qe con la capa de sumas yntimo Amigo y Aleado en un comvite se apodero de su R. Persona. Este es Napoleon 1o emperador ynroso de los frnseses quien ayandose apoderado de Nuestro amado soverano Rey padres ya demas personas Rs, los forso a Renunsiar la Corona de españa e Yndias a su favor. Pero yegada la notisia a nuestra nasion, y conosido el cauteloso y vil Proseder del ynfame emperador napoleon, se ha levantado en masa formando Poderosos exersitos Para sacar a Nuestro adorado Fernando de su Poder a fuersa de Armas, jurando de no dejarlas hasta consegirlo. Dios y su santisima Madre Patrona de las Espanas e Yndias ha protegido tan santo fin consegirlo. Dios y su santisima Madre Parona de las Espanas e Yndias ha protegido tan santo fin como se ha dematrado. Ya aviendo destruido Nuestro exersito siento setentamil franseses, qe con capa de aliansa estavan dentro de espana cuando se Resivieron estas notisias, bino la () de estar para entrar en la francia Nuestros ejersitos y esperamos resultados como dise el eselentisimo Sor Virrey; Nosotros no Podemos ayudar a nuestros hermanos con las Armas por la grande distancia pero si con un donativo para ayudar de Pagar las tropas que estan derramando su sangre; ya este que sea aquel que nuestras fuersas y amor a la madre Patria, Religion y soverano, nos dicte. A cuyo efecto juntaran Vmds al Alcalde y Regidores y les leran este mi oficio, el de su eselenso y Proclama, e ynmediatamte pasaran con () justisias a la Guarda y mandara juntar todo el vesindario ynclusos los milisianos e ynvalidos y Publicamente les lera los mismos, hesortandolos como mejor les Paresca. A fin de que Contribuyan Con lo que gusten bien en dinero, Arina, mays o frijol que disiendo heyos aqueyo qe Pagaran al tiempo de las cosechas, se dara orden qe Por esta avilitasion se le supla el valor de lo qe ofrescan. Formaran Vmds una lista espesificando Cada yndividuo lo qe ofrescan de Donativo y duplicado me la rremitieran firmada por Vmds y las justisias Para Remitirselas a su eselencia segun manda. Deste ofisio, del de su exelencia, y Proclama, sacara Vm Copia Para ese Archivo. Y acontinuason de cada uno de estos pondra Vm la constansia de averlas Publicado, y me lo devolvera el Comisionado de la Villa de Bransiforte Con la mayor prontitud. Ds g. A Vmds ms as Monterey, 26 de Febrero, 1809 José Ma Estudillo Es copia Luis Peralta Levantada en masa la valerosa Nasion espanola a tomado sobre si el Glorioso y nesesario empeno de Recovrar la sagrada Persona de Nustro Rey y Sr natural el Sr Dn Fernando 7o. Con sacriliga, y alevosamete a recazado entre sus amados vasayos por la traydora mano del perfido emperador de los franseses para consumar el orroroso designio de husurpar la corona qe la Providensia divina, los derechos de la sangre, y la unanime vos de los Pueblos Pusieron sobre sus catolicos, piadosas, y agustas sienes. El trastorno qe hivan a padeser los templos, con sus ministros y sus tesoros, la tranquilida de todos los vasayos y sus Propiedades; y hultimamente la suave legislasion qe nos Govierna no son solamte bisibles, a si como heran ynevitables, sino Transedentales tambien a estas Americas para donde se disponia ya a transitar las escuadras enemigas con el objeto de sojusgarlas, y cuando la verrera qe sea opuesta a tantos males son los Robustos Pechos de nuestros hermanos de la Peninsul quienes con las Armas en las manos han elegido morir hantes qe consentir el oprovio de la nasion entera, nosotros que no podemos ausiliarlos con nuestras personas, estamos sin duda en la yndispensable obligasion de aserlo no solo con nuestros votos al Sr Ds fuerte y poderoso en las vatayas para qe bendiga sus operasiones, sino con nuestors caudales y cuantos socorros podamos ministrarles, pa qe no desfayescan en la defensa de una causa la mas justa qe se lera en las paginas de la historia. Heyos haran patente tambien nuestros esfuersos al universo. Pendiente a ora de cuales son en vista de la distansia que nos separa de nuestros afligidos Padres, de nuestras madres viudas, y de nuestros pequenos hermanos abandonados a la desolasion y a la miseria, y en esta atension estoy yntimamte persuadido a qe en ninguna ocasion como en esta, pues no se ha presentado otra que nos ynterese mas por nuestra Religion santa, por nuestro Rey ontristado y amate, y por nosotros mismos se esforsara V a contribuir con toda la cantida que la sea posible por via de donativo o con frutos presiosos a falta de numerario, cumpliendo o emuando las generosas ofertas qe se hisieron y aseptaron en este real Palasio en la junta selebrada el dia 9 de Agosto prosimo anterior en la ynteligensia de que desde a ora queda avierta una subscrision para hir anotando las sumas que subsesiamente se colegten, y los sugetos ue la Resivan quienes las enterarn en las cajas Generales, de esta capital, o en las de la provinsias de sus Respetivos distritos a cuyo fin dirijo las ordenes oportunas, esperando me de V aviso de la oblasion que le digte su Religiosida, fidelida y Patriotismo. Dios Guarde a V. ms. as. Mexico, 3 de Octubre de 1808 Garivay Proclama Senor Comandante del Presidio de Monterey A todos los avitantes de esta Nuesra ciudad, Dn Pedro Garivay Mariscal de campo de los Reales ejersitos, virrey Governador y Capitan General de esta N. E. Presidente de su Real audiensia Superintendente General.
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  • External Link: http://www.sanjosepueblopapers.org
  • Medium: Paper
History San José

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