community of Mitchell's Plain, asked me to help them to
raise funds to paint their school. I then requested Syd Muller
of Woolworth, not only to provide funds as asked by Heidi,
but also to upgrade the school by building more class -rooms
and a laboratory.
When Woolworth completed this project we went to launch it.
A large group of Coloured women staged a protest
demonstration against me. One of them screamed and said
in Afrikaans " Kaffir gaan huis toe" ( Kaffir go home) a
derogatory jibe. All these racist and deceitful manoeuvres
were committed by de Klerk's party, a leader I had
repeatedly praised inside and outside the country as a man
of integrity with whom we could do business.
The ANC tried to the best of its ability to avoid descending to
the level of the National Party. We remained focussed and
constructive. We strongly urged all
South Africans,