criticised this pseudo policy as introducing apartheid through
the backdoor.
I pointed out to President
De Klerk that if their own
mouthpiece condemned this idea, he could well imagine
what we thought of it. We would reject it out of hand. It was
at this point that the President impressed me. He conceded
that if our movement would not even consider this idea, he
would scrap it. I immediately sent a message to the ANC
leadership in Zambia in which I described the President as a
man of integrity with whom we could do business. I repeated
this statement on countless occasions, here and abroad
after my release from prison.
From the ruins of Group Rights, emerged another gimmick,
that of Power Sharing. Broadly speaking this meant that if,
for example, the ANC won seventy five percent of the votes
in a general election, and the National Party obtained only