This small painting of the Pentecost shows Giotto’s skill at transforming complex biblical stories into images that were easy to decipher. Jesus’s followers were gathered together 50 days after his Crucifixion to celebrate the Jewish Feast of Weeks. A strong wind began to blow and flames like ‘tongues of fire’ appeared on their heads. They were filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak miraculously in a number of languages. A white dove radiating gilded rays, representing the Holy Ghost, has appeared directly beneath the central gable.
Giotto solved the problem of illustrating the narrative clearly by using a low wall to divide those experiencing the event and those straining to hear what was going on. The symmetrical arrangement of the figures focuses our attention on the dove. This picture was the final scene in a horizontal dossal – an altarpiece that was placed in front of rather than above an altar – depicting the life and Passion of Christ.
Text: © The National Gallery, London
Painting photographed in its frame by Google Arts & Culture, 2023.