Spark of Conviction: Human Rights Exhibit at The National Center for Civil and Human Rights.
At the heart of all these efforts is respect for human rights, a set of globally accepted standards that are the birthright of all people by virtue of their humanity. These standards – called “the highest aspiration of the common people” – have helped transform millions upon millions of lives. Our exhibits depict iconic human rights campaigns since the end of World War II and the brave and determined people who took a stand.
Human rights standards and principles appear in all major religious texts and the founding documents of many countries – from the Magna Carta and the French Declaration on the Rights of Man to the U.S. Constitution and the more recent constitutions of India, South Africa, and other nations.
Every year, the NGO Freedom House evaluates the level of political rights and civil liberties in countries around the world. This map shows the degree to which people around the world are able to exercise their rights around the world.