Polished axe made of sillimanite. With a double-bevel blade, it is trapezoidal-shaped and rectangular. It was found in the outskirts of the district of Udala on Mount Udalaitz (Arrasate, Gipuzkoa). The polishing covers the entire piece and is extremely refined. These kinds of polished objects date back to the Neolithic period (6700-4700 BP), although they were also usd in later periods and lasted until Romanisation.
Rodríguez de Ondarra, Pedro. Informe sobre la prospección arqueológica realizada en la ermita de la Ascensión, en Udalaitz (Mondragón). Octubre-noviembre 1958. Munibe, 1958. 280, 295
Arribas, José Luis ; Berganza, Eduardo. Algunos útiles pulimentados del País Vasco. Munibe, 1984. 59-66