Alfonso Agnoletto was born in 1858 in Albaredo d'Adige (Verona) in a family of pharmacists. He studies medicine; after graduating, he worked for a time in Brianza, then in Milan. In his will he left all his assets, around 500,000 lire, to charity; allocates 150,000 lire to the Maggiore Hospital, in addition to 1,500 lire a year for a scholarship for a young practitioner of particular skill. The assignment of the portrait at the express request of the benefactor, is assigned to Giuseppe Amisani, who, having a photograph as a model, portrays him in the open: behind the foreshortening of the Park with the Sforzesco Castle, besides remembering his forty year medical profession exercise in Milan, it attenuates the rigidity of the figure and allows a free use of light and colors, spread with large spots on the canvas.