Although like many of his contemporaries, Quinkhard replaced the simple genre scenes of his predecessors with more transcendental themes, such as allegorical and mythological painting, his work was conditioned by the reality of the Dutch art scene and he also produced portraits. He achieved notable success in the genre, incorporating influences from English painting. The upper and middle classes of both nations shared a similar pride in their social standing, which they wished to showcase in their portraits. In this magnificent example by Quinkhard, that prestige is reflected in his skilful depiction of the high-quality fabrics worn by the three subjects, particularly the silk gown with iridescent highlights worn by the head of the family. The monumental bulk of his figure forms the basis for a solid triangular composition comprising the three figures, who are shown in a rich palatial area with views of the landscape outside, which serves as a symbol of the family’s wealth.
Mikel Lertxundi Galiana
Inventory number: STM-000062-001