Elena Tavecchia Guidi (1865-1934), of modest origins, marries Angelo, son of a silversmith worker, who works as a representative of a knitwear company. Born in the same year as her husband, she died a few months later. The executor of the testament sends to the Ospedale Maggiore the donation of the sum of 164,000 lire decided by mutual agreement between both spouses and the request that the "pendant" portraits be performed by Guido Tallone, son of the most famous Cesare. On both portraits the Artistic Commission will express a negative opinion, forcing the artist to make several adjustments. This pianting of the benefactor, represents her in black evening dress against an indeterminate background painted with broad strokes. The figure is described in a very soft and nuanced manner that recalls a style considered a bit anachronistic and not in step with the times.