
Poster | advertisement | premium:Think outside the bun Taco Bell. DC Comics 75

Strottman International, Inc.2010

The Strong National Museum of Play

The Strong National Museum of Play
Rochester , United States

Between 1938 and 1945, the comic book hero Superman was joined by a multitude of other heroes: Batman, Captain America, Green Lantern, and the first super heroine, Wonder Woman. While there's been an ebb and flow in the popularity of superheroes over the years-including a severe decline in readership during the 1950s following publication of Dr. Frederic Wertham's Seduction of the Innocent (1954) which accused comic books of promoting juvenile delinquency-our fascination with costumed characters who battle the forces of evil has endured.

For decades, superhero cartoons have been a Saturday morning staple, superhero toys have been perpetual favorites, and chances are at least a few children dressed as superheroes showed up at your door on Halloween. And the comics themselves, where it all started for the superheroes, have remained entertaining and in touch with American culture. In 2010, fast food giant Taco Bell, included these 3-D poster packets with its kid's meals, both proving the prolonged popularity of super heroes and illustrating the current fascination with 3-D.

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  • Title: Poster | advertisement | premium:Think outside the bun Taco Bell. DC Comics 75
  • Creator: Strottman International, Inc.
  • Date Created: 2010
  • Location: Irvine, CA
  • Subject Keywords: super hero, Superman
  • Type: Advertising, More Play Stuff
  • Medium: printed paper, cardstock, plastic
  • Object ID: 110.3428
  • Credit Line: Gift of David Popielarz
The Strong National Museum of Play

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