Poster produced for 'Kaajal' (trans. Kohl), a 1965 Bollywood film, directed by Ram Maheshwari and starred Meena Kumari, Dharmendra, Raaj Kumar, Padmini, Helen, Durga Khote, Tun Tun, Mehmood and Mumtaz. The film was adapted from Gulshan Nanda's novel "Maadhavi" by Phani Majumdar with Kidar Sharma writing the dialogues. According to Box office records, the film was a "hit" and listed amongst the Top 20 films of the year. Meena Kumari and Padmini, both won Filmfare awards for their performances in 'Kaajal'. The poster features Meena Kumari at the central apex posed as if applying kaajal and includes, aside from the busts of Dharmendra and Raaj Kumar on either side of her, a row of images at the top featuring Mehmood, Mumtaz, Padmini and Helen (left to right).
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