The Red Bag action, being a part of the Non-existent Nodding Gallery “Yes” programme, took place in Elbląg, in the basement of the Elblag City Culture Centre, managed at the time by Anastazy Wiśniewski. The action, described in the book KwieKulik. Zofia Kulik & Przemysław Kwiek, was one of contestation and mockery. The idea was that Anastazy Wiśniewski, Leszek Przyjemski and Roksana Sokołowska put various prints connected with the activity of the Non-existent Nodding Gallery “Yes” into a red bag and then they went into the bag themselves. The action was documented on slides by Przemysław Kwiek and Zofia Kulik. One of the photographs shows Leszek Przyjemski going inside the red bag and Roksana Sokołowska already in it up to her waist. The naked male chest against an interior design of the “early Gierek” times may be read both as humoristic as well as quite a serious element of dialogue with the image of a heroic hero and the role of artist in an undemocratic state. [E. Jarosz]