Although this sculpture is known as “Queen of Uxmal”, it actually represents a young initiated man coming out from a serpentine deity. The sculpture has a frowned face, oval-shape eyes framed by thin eyelids, aquiline nose with a prominent wide nasal base, mouth slightly open with full lips and the corners of the mouth pointing down. On the left cheek presents a scarified motif that represents the head of a fantastic-reptile seen from the side with the upper jaw in the shape of a hook. The hairdo is done with big locks hanging straight on the sides and on the forehead a straight quiff partially covered with a large semi-flat beads headband with the center marked by a round hole. The architectonic top decorated originally the façade in a substructure in the Pyramid of the Magician. Dra. Federica Sodi MirandaColaboradores: Arqlgo. Hugo Herrera Torres Araceli Ruiz Peláez Mtro. Hugo García Capistran.