This is a piece of big dimensions composed of various sections. The base in quadrangular shape
is a box sitting upon four wooden spheres. The inside contains relics which can be seen through
glassed windows. Above this, a second section rises in the shape of a box similar to the lower
one. It also shows relics as well as a small sculpture representing the patriarch Jesse sleeping.
To finish off this body two cylindrical pinnacles in wood and gilt metal stand on each side.
Both contain relics protected by glass. Over this body a large cross emerges in black wood and
inlays of gilt bronze. The sculpture of Christ of great expressiveness is in alabaster.
Heads of cherubim, rosaries and a halo of flaming rays decorate de cross bar,
whose ends are completed by gilt metal outfits. The cross is topped by a rectangular
frame showing the inscription “INRI” [Iesus Nazarenum Rex Iudeorum] in engraved letters.