An artist’s rendering of the workers’ barracks of the Lost City of the Pyramids based on archaeological findings. Whereas the galleries housed the workers who served the king for a one-month period, it was in the eastern part of the Lost City of the Pyramids that the town’s long-term residents lived. This scene reimagines a three -room house within a mudbrick compound and shows women weaving and spinning while others bake bread, prepare food, and take care of other chores. Plant and animal remains show that the bosses and overseers living in the larger houses got the best cuts of meat and a greater variety of food. In comparison, the simple workers had a less diverse diet, with poorer cuts of meat, smaller fish, & far less variety in their vegetables.
For more, see Claire Malleson's article 'Feeding The Forces' from Rawi magazine's Issue 10 available online (link in details).