A house represents a solitary settlement which arose on newly-cultivated land after eradicating and burning down former forest. It has three rooms, out of which two are residential and one is pitvor. The house is situated on the stone underpinning with a built-in cellar, which settles irregularities of the terrain. A saddle roof i s covered with shingles. The large room features furniture coming from the turn of 19th and 20th centuries. Except for a storage kind of a table, there is a beam for cutting of the shingles as well as a chair for finishing their shapes and forms in the wintertime. Apart from its original function, an oven with a smoke discharged into an attic, also served as a great rest-place. The upper room is equipped with a newer type of an oven - this time a smoke was discharged directly into a chimney. The exhibition shows a spinning wheel for domestic production of the rope.