"Thrice Welcome to my op'ning eyes/ The morning beam which bids me rise/ To all the joys of youth? For thy protection whilst I slept/ O Lord my humble thanks accept/ And bless my lips with truth.//Like cheerful birds as I begin/ This day O keep my soul from sin/ And all things shall be well/ Thou gav'st me health and clothes and food/ Preserve me innocent and good/ till ev'ning curfew bell. Recieve my body pretty bed/ Soft pillow O receive my head/ And thanks my parents Kind/ Those comfor who for me provide/ Your percepts still shall be my guide/ Your love I'll keep in mind.// My hours mispent this day I rue/ My good things done how very few/ Forgive my faults O Lord/ This night if in thy grace I rest/ Tomorrow I may rise refresh'd/ To keep thy holy word.