
Seated Monju Bosatsu (Manjusri) and Attendants

KoenKamakura period, dated 1273 (Bun'ei 10)


東京, 日本

According to a note, which says that these images were created by Buddhist sculptor Koen, written on the head of the lion on which Monju (Manjusri) Bodhisattva sits and documents that are owned separately, from the images, by Daitokyu Kinen Bunko and others, it is clear that these images were created in 1273 by Koen (1207 - ?), a sculptor of Buddhist images, who was a successor to Tankei. The person who made the votive offering for the creation of these images was Gyogen, a priest of Kofukuji and these five images were enshrined as the principal images of worship at Kangakuin, which was established at Kofukuji Temple in 1285, twelve years after the creation.This group of images is called Godaisan Monju or Tokai Monju and based on the icons that emerged from the Godaisan Faith, faith in the holy mountain (Godaisan) of Monju Bodhisattva, in China. However, the representation of crossing the sea is unique to Japan. In these images, it is represented by sea waves, which are engraved on the upper surface of the pedestal frame. The five topknots on the head of Monju Bodhisattva and its boy-like appearance correspond to the description of "child-like appearance" written in sutras and show that the wisdom of Monju is as pure as that of a child. The child image among followers is called Zenzai Doshi. In the Kegon Sutra (Avatamsaka Sutra), he is described as a child who visited 53 virtuous wisdoms and practiced and completed all austerities required to become a Bodhisattva.

  • タイトル: Seated Monju Bosatsu (Manjusri) and Attendants
  • 作成者: Koen
  • 作者の生存期間: 1101/1400
  • 作成日: Kamakura period, dated 1273 (Bun'ei 10)
  • 実際のサイズ: h1937 mm
  • Provenance(Japanese): 興福寺伝来
  • Object Title: 文殊菩薩騎獅像および侍者立像
  • Object Notes(Japanese): 文殊菩薩の乗る獅子の頭部に「法眼康円作也」と記され、また現在像とは離れて大東急記念文庫等に所蔵されている納入文書の記載から、この像が文永10年(1273)仏師康円(こうえん)の作とわかる。康円(1207~?)は湛慶の後継者。造立を発願した施主経玄は、興福寺の僧で、この五尊像は12年後の弘安8年(1285)に創建された興福寺勧学院の本尊に据えられた。 この一群の像は五台山文殊(ごだいさんもんじゅ)とも渡海文殊(とかいもんじゅ)とも呼ばれ、中国における文殊の聖地五台山信仰を背景に産まれた図像に基づくが、海を渡る表現は日本に独特のものである。この像では台座の框(かまち)の上面に海の波が描かれている。文殊菩薩は髻(もとどり)を5つ結う形で、少年のような容姿に造るのは、経典に「童子相」とあるのによる。文殊の知恵が子供のように清らかであることを示す。侍者のうち幼い子供の姿は善財童子(ぜんざいどうし)。童子は文殊菩薩の説法に導かれて53の善知識を訪問し、菩薩行を体得したと『華厳経(けごんきょう)』に記される。
  • Object Date: 鎌倉時代・文永10年(1273)
  • Medium(Japanese): 木造、彩色、玉眼
  • Artist Name: 康円作
  • Provenance: Formerly owned by Kohuku-ji, Nara
  • タイプ: Sculpture
  • 外部リンク: http://www.emuseum.jp/detail/100434
  • 媒体/技法: Wood with gold pigment, polychromy and inlaid crystal eyes


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