
Catalog of published, commissioned and acquired in larger quantities books by Józef Zawadzki's bookstore in Vilnius Section of the catalog: "Wydawnictwa i komisy nówsze (od 1900 r.)"

20th Century

National Library of Lithuania

National Library of Lithuania
Vilnius, Lithuania

Full title: Katalog dzieł nakładowych, komisowych oraz w większej ilości nabytych księgarni Józefa Zawadzkiego w Wilnie

Section of the catalog: "Newer publications and commissioned works (from 1900)"

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  • Title: Catalog of published, commissioned and acquired in larger quantities books by Józef Zawadzki's bookstore in Vilnius Section of the catalog: "Wydawnictwa i komisy nówsze (od 1900 r.)"
  • Date Created: 20th Century, 20th Century
  • Location Created: Vilnius, Lithuania, Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Type: Document, Document
  • Rights: Public Domain, Public Domain
National Library of Lithuania

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