
Semar Lurah


Unit Pengelola Museum Seni

Unit Pengelola Museum Seni
Jakarta, Indonesia

Semar is one of the most loved character in Javanese society. Together with Petruk, Gareng and Bagong acts both a jester and advisor to the kings. In his depictions in the performances, he does not have the elaborate ornamentation commonly found on the heroic characters, as he represents the man of the people.

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  • Judul: Semar Lurah
  • Pembuat: Saderi
  • Tanggal Dibuat: 2010
  • Jenis: Wayang Kulit, Wayang, Wayang Kulit, Shadow Puppet
  • Medium: Kulit kerbau, Cat air dicampur perekat
Unit Pengelola Museum Seni

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