Composition in roses, green, blue, yellow, violet, lilac, gray, white, black and earthy tones. Smooth texture with some marked brushstrokes. Geometrized hill, giving idea of slum represented in light shades, cut by the side edges of the support and another hill on the left, immediately behind, from which only the top in blue can be seen. In the foreground, on the left, violet square area representing a shack, and at the window a busty woman, with arms raised her hands on the head. To the left of the center and behind, three musicians: one seated, 3/4 turned right, playing the guitar; another standing, facing forward, playing clarinet and the third, also standing in profile to the right, playing trumpet. They all wear suits. To the right, two more houses represented as if they were cubes viewed from the side, and at the window of each of them a female figure with the same characteristics of the firSaintNeither women nor musicians have defined facial features. In the background, on the left, representation geometrical houses overlapped in greater proportion than the other hill houses, decreasing in size as they reach the top. In the third level, on the left, another hill, of which only the tip can be seen, represented in shades of blue, with less sharp geometrics.