
Démonstration de la recherche électronique des livres par la commande H ISIS dans la bibliothèque centrale



Genève, Suisse

Development work on ISIS began at UNESCO early in 1975 and the first version was operational by the end of the year. The system was implemented at CERN in the early 80's and later made available on the CERN network. The Public EXEC file called by H ISIS now gives a choice of data base. It is no longer necessary to go to the Central Library, or to wade through accessions lists, to find out which books have been added recently to the Library collection.

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  • Titre: Démonstration de la recherche électronique des livres par la commande H ISIS dans la bibliothèque centrale
  • Créateur: CERN PhotoLab
  • Date de création: 1983-10, 1983
  • Contributeur: GenevaCERN1983-10
  • Support: Film, Photographic negative
  • Link to Internal Document:
  • Comment: Album with images scanned from original photo negatives
  • Internal Reference: Rubrique: Date Planche:10 83 De:144 A:146

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