Irreverent spirit of Teresa Condito is also found in the installation Silent Night Club, this space dedicated to Memento Mori and Vanitas of collective Le Grande Bouffe. The artist uses the language of childhood, of the great toys and entertainment to express the value of our contemporary ephemeral and fleeting; she, in fact, de-contextualizes a large house-toy Barbie, addobbandola as a crib, traditionally sacred icon, related to the birth of Jesus and the party of the family, characterized by different characters. Here is more evident sarcastic and irreverent tone of artistic of Seasoned, act today to highlight how consumerism is rampant and deflect us from the true spirituality; not surprisingly the rooms of the house are full of toy-symbolic meanings and values of our times. It starts from the rooms of the ground floor, where they are clearly visible Magi pushing shopping carts full of consumer products, and then see in the living room of the upper floor a large television, above and as an alternative to the traditional fireplace, which broadcasts the popular reality show The island of the famous.
In the third floor of the house-toy we are disturbed by the sight of one of the Three Wise Men who bathes in a foamy bath tub and we remain shocked by a shepherd lying on a sumptuous four-poster bed in the master bedroom.
In the work of Seasoned, also thanks to the inclusion of colored lights, everything looks like a gigantic crib kitsch, reflecting the loss of the authentic spirit of Christmas consumerism in favor of the more exasperating that dominates the narrative.