This standing bodhisattva holding a jewel sphere in front of its body with both hands was excavated in 1895 from the site of Yokoi-ji temple, Nara. A wadokaichin coin and a mirror with mountain, cloud and phoenix design were found in the same excavation. It is thought that both the sculpture’s head and the lotus pedestal are repaired additions made after the excavation. The exact positions of the Yokoi-ji temple structures are unknown, but the complex is surmised to have been built in the Asuka period. The features of this figure are essentially symmetrical right and left, and the flatness of the back surface gives the image a strong sense of frontality. The tenne scarves cross in front of the figure’s knees, while the ends of these scarves hang from both arms spread in a fish fin-like ripple form, all elements typical of the Tori style of sculpture.