
Subhadra Haran

Homi Wadia

Ultra Media & Entertainment

Ultra Media & Entertainment
Mumbai, India

Krishna’s sister Subhadra is married to one of the Pandavas, Arjuna. Their son Abhimanu falls for Krishna’s brother Balrama’s daughter Sasirekha. However, things turn ugly when Draupati, the common wife of Pandavas is humiliated by Duryodhan, the Kaurava Prince and the Pandavas lose their entire kingdom in a game of dice. Duryodhan now convinces Balarama to let Sasirekha and Lakshmana Kumara, Duryodhan’s son, marry, as he wants Krishna’s support in case there is a war.
Krishna, knowing the real intensions of Duryodhan, asks Subhadra and Abhimanyu to meet Ghatotkacha (Abhimanyu's brother) in the forests. Ghatotkacha at first decides to wage war, but later uses trickery to prevent the marriage of Lakshmana Kumara and Sasirekha. He builds an illusory marketplace called Maya bazar and invites the Kauravas to stay there. He uses his powers intelligently to finally help Abhimanu and Sasirekha get married!

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  • Title: Subhadra Haran
  • Creator: Homi Wadia
  • Location: india
  • Original Language: Marathi
  • Type: Poster
  • Rights: basant Pictures
  • Release Year: 1963
  • Producer: Homi Wadia
  • Music: Prabhakar Jog
  • Language: Marathi
  • Director: Datta Dharmadhikari
  • Cast: Jayshree Gadkar, Suryakant, Arun Sarnaik, Shahu Modak, Vasant Shinde, Vinay Sukale, Ram Tipnis,Raja Nene
  • Banner: Basant Pictures
Ultra Media & Entertainment

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