Canteen excavated under the direction of archeologist Alden Hayes. Discovered during the 1965-67 excavation of the Mound 7 pueblo house-block of Gran Quivira (original name Las Humanas), this canteen symbolizes the desolation from drought of the Salinas region of New Mexico towards the end of the 17th century. Decimated by a lack of water and starvation, the surviving Jumano residents moved to the Tompiro and Tiwa pueblos of Abó, Cuarac (Quarai) and Tajiqué, until those pueblos too had to be abandoned, with the remnants of the Salinas people eventually joining the Tiwa of lsleta and Sandia pueblos. These large, flat backed ceramic canteens are only known to have existed at Gran Quivira/Las Humanas north of the U.S. border with Mexico and are unique to Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument.