The mechanism of this clock is of Paris type. It has a string motor with eight days’ winding and an anchor escapement with a pendulum offset by rods. It has blade suspension, the hours and half-hours chimed on the bell, via the striking train system. / This kind of lyre clock came from France at the end of the 18th century, its development coinciding with the Neo-Classical movement during the early 19th century. It can be contextualised within the Empire style (1800-1830), that is considered a continuation of the Louis XVI style. It was France that produced the most beautiful examples of table clocks as a result of the heights the industry reached at that time. To the perfection of the Parisian movement is added the painstaking construction of the case and exquisite decoration, fruit of the collaboration between specialised artisans who interpreted the artistic concept of each style with the utmost taste.