Through the language of a cat's tail and its movement as motif for the symbolic system, Tail Language makes a satire of the hypocritical culturalism and analytical error inherent to language.
The performance seeks to experience a new possibility for contemporary art from various points of view!
By observing the tail language, it aims to recombine semiotic movements, such as the lines and planes, or the intersection of lines and shapes. We can also envision the creation of an extra-dimensional language through this dismantling process.
The emotion of outright egotism, the action of drawing a line between oneself and others, and the drastic changes of addition and subtraction in the conversation emerge through the analytical errors inhernt to the finitude of language.
By refreshing the issue of communication and the meaning of social community in the individuality of ‘I’ and ‘us’ or ‘others’, this piece speaks to the question of what is desperately needed in modern society.
The work is a process that also reveals the language of body, which is more primitive and lucid. It is a small but important attempt to discover ‘truth’ in opposition to social dialogues and relationships mystified by hypocrisy and superficial intellectualism.