
Teach the Ignorant

Antonio Canova1795/1795

Fondazione Cariplo

Fondazione Cariplo
Milan, Italie

In all likelihood, Canova executed the two plaster reliefs Feed the Hungry and Teach the Ignorant for Abbondio Rezzonico, who hung them in an area set aside for a school he created to educate children from the lower-classes. Great emphasis is given in the bas-relief to the figure of the woman who is offering bread to a little girl, while holding her son in her arms, which would appear to be a tribute to Raphael. The bas-relief was reproduced in an engraving by Antonio Banzo (engraver) and Giovanni Demin (draughtsman): copperplate etching retouched with burin; 300 x 278 mm.

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  • Titre: Teach the Ignorant
  • Créateur: Antonio Canova
  • Durée de vie du créateur: 1757/1822
  • Nationalité du créateur: Italian
  • Sexe du créateur: Male
  • Lieu de naissance du créateur: Possagno, Treviso
  • Lieu de décès du créateur: Venice
  • Date: 1795/1795
  • Dimensions physiques: w135 x h117 cm
  • Exhibition: Gallerie d'Italia, Piazza Scala, 6, Milano
  • Provenance: Cariplo Foundation, 1991
  • Type: Sculpture, bas relief, plaster
  • Lien externe:
  • Droits:
Fondazione Cariplo

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