One of 5,000 prints and 50 artist’s proofs dedicated to the Terry Fox “Marathon of Hope.”
“For a brief moment, he dissolved things that didn’t matter – you became aware that he mattered and what he mattered about counted – and you wanted to identify with it and him.” – Ron G. Calhoun, National Special Events Chairman, Canadian Cancer Society
“Ron Calhoun’s summation of the whole ‘Marathon of Hope’ happening exemplifies best why I was inspired to create this painting. Subsequently, it has been a great honour to work on this print in conjunction with Terry Fox. By putting the morning sun and redwoods behind him, I wanted to suggest that Terry has already realized his goal. I sought to capture the struggle, symbolized by the light fighting its way through the dark branches, the determination, and the hope, and suggest by his efforts a more imminent breakthrough or victory.” – Cliff Kearns