The unusual style and beautiful decorations of the Beni Hasan costume makes it one of the most attractive dresses in Jordan. It is unique in part for the style of its sleeves, which are elaborately embroidered and button elegantly down the wearer’s back. These sleeves are squared off, and reach one meter in length. They are embroidered on the inside, so that the patterns can be seen when the sleeves are brought over the woman’s shoulders and joined with loops and buttons down the back. The dress measures over three meters long in all. Around the hem of the skirt are two bands of blue silk fabric, separated by two rows of machine embroidery. Additionally, there is elaborate machine embroidery on the low V neckline. Like the dresses from Salt, this dress is worn in the “double-drape” style, where the wearer belts the dress so that one layer hangs over the other and forms a large pocket for her personal belongings, like jewelry and money.