The painted architecture is reminiscent of the portals of Gothic cathedrals. lt defines the pictorial space as a place for sacred events. Painted reliefs, with scenes from the lives of Christ and Mary in the hollow moulding of the portals, place the events portrayed beneath them in the chronology of the history of salvation. Events from the Old Testament on the column capitals help to interpret the principal scenes. The left-hand panel shows Mary worshipping the child, who is lying in her lap. She is sitting humbly on the floor. Joseph is at her side, leaning on his staff his head bent slightly forward in sleep. The central panel shows the lamentation of Christ. Mary is holding the body of Christ in both arms and Joseph of Arimathaea and John are standing beside her. The empty cross rises behind them. The right-hand panel shows the risen Christ appearing to his mother, to comfort her and to tell her about his bodily resurrection. These three events bear witness to Mary's role in the work of redemption. Angels with crowns and banderoles praising the virtues of the Mother of God hover at the apex of the portals.