Physical Dimensions: overall: 116.2 x 88.8 cm (45 3/4 x 34 15/16 in.)
framed: 150.5 x 122.6 cm (59 1/4 x 48 1/4 in.)
Provenance: Dr. Georges de Bellio [1828-1894], Paris; probably by inheritance to M and Mme [she née Victorine de Bellio,1863-1958] Ernest Donop de Monchy, Paris.[1] Sold 1907 for or by von Tschudi through (Boussod, Valadon et Cie., Paris).[2] (Galerie Caspari, Munich)in 1916.[3] Mrs. Meta Schütte, Bremen, by 1918 and probably in Schütte family collection until c. 1948;[4] by inheritance to her granddaughter and her husband, Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm and Mrs. Charlotte Oelze, Bremen.[5] (E.J. van Wisselingh and Co., Amsterdam); sold February 1951 to (Wildenstein and Co., London, New York, and Paris);[6] by whom sold December 1956 to Arnold Kirkeby, New York; (his sale, Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York, 19 November 1958, no. 12); Mr. and Mrs. George Friedland, Merion, Pennsylvania; (their sale, Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York, 13 December 1961, no. 80). (M. Knoedler & Co., London, New York and Paris); sold January 1965 to Mr. Paul Mellon, Upperville, Virginia; gift 1983 to NGA.
[1] No. 85 bis in inventory of de Bellio collection cited in Remus Niculescu, "Georges de Bellio, l'Ami des Impressionistes (I)," _Paragone_ no. 247, September 1970, p. 52. See also letter from Niculescu to Paul Mellon, dated 12 April 1970, in NGA curatorial files.
[2] According to Wildenstein 1974, no. 101.
[3] According to 1961 Parke-Bernet sales catalogue.
[4] The painting was lent to a 1918 exhibition of works in Bremen private collections, and listed in the catalogue as lent by Frau Meta Schütte. It was also published by Emil Waldmann in "Bremer Privatsammlungen," _Kunst und Künstler_ XVII, 1919, p. 176. Also published as Schütte collection in the listing of "Monet paintings in some well-known museums and private collections" included in Oscar Reuterswärd, _Monet, En konstnärshistorik_, Stockholm, 1948, p. 279.
[5] According to 1961 Friedland sales catalogue.
[6] See letter dated 18 June 1999 from Wildenstein & Co. regarding date of acquisition from Van Wissellingh and sale to Kirkeby (in NGA curatorial files).