3. Publishing activities
The publishing of high-quality promotional materials that could help today’s young people discover and explore T. G. Masaryk’s oeuvre. Possibly also, collaboration with other entities to republish T. G. Masaryk’s oeuvre.
Technical details:
the foundation is based in Lány
account with Státní spořitelna in Lány
mail contact, mailbox in Lány
the Civic Forum branches of both municipalities shall appoint 6 persons to the preparatory committee, each municipality appointing 3 persons
amount of initial contribution agreed to be:
Civic Forum of Lány 1 000
Civic Forum of Stochov 1 000
The form of other contributions shall be agreed at a later date.
Participation by both Civic Forum branches shall be based on complete equality.
The foundation was founded in Lány on February 12, 1990 by:
On behalf of the Civic Forum of Lány:
Milan Bechyně
Jaromír Šilhan
Vlastimil Hořejší
On behalf of the Civic Forum of Stochov:
Jaroslav Žák
Jindřich Sybera
Zdeněk Hromka
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