Newspaper front page for The Herald April 18, 1971, a short-lived weekly newspaper in New York City.
Text from design: Vignelli exhibition label:
The Herald. New York, 1971.
Newspaper design is one of the most neglected areas of visual communication. In 1971, when we were given the opportunity to design “The Herald,” a new weekly paper from the New York area, we were ready. Structured on a grid of six columns with sixteen modules per column, one typeface (Times Roman) throughout, one size for text, a few for titles, and italics for captions and decks, the paper was equipped for fast production —and indeed it was produced quickly! Every page or two constituted a section of the whole paper, and al pages were structured in clear horizontal bands, giving them a strong, easy-to-read look. Two tabloids were contained inside. All titles were confined to one module space. Unfortunately, the paper folded due to distribution problems.