The Mountain Echo
Boulder Creek, CAL.
$2 per Year. 10c. per Copy
Luther McQuesten, Editor and Manager
Nov. 18, 1916. Vol. XX. No.52
Boulder Creek is a deserted lumber camp, 14 miles up the San Lorenzo canyon, reached by a branch if the Southern Pacific and a good stage road. Its altitude is 500 feet. The last of the seven lumber mills has shut down for lack of material. Quite a few of the inhabitants, who appreciate only stumpage value, think that the town has seen its best days, but visitors passing through to the State Redwood Park, 12 miles beyond, are delighted with our mountain scenery, babbling brooks, giant redwoods, the rare, bracing atmosphere and pure water. A second growth has already hidden the scars of the woodsman and the hills are again clothed in perpetual verdure. The confluence of Bear creek and Boulder creek with the San Lorenzo river at this point furnish excellent trout fishing streams. Deer and other game abound in the fastness of the
mountains. Quite a few already are taking advantage of the low price of summer home sites and erelong this place will out-rival the neighboring resorts of Brookdale and Ben Lomond. Property owners will pay us liberally for finding purchasers, so the "Echo" will cheerfully answer all inquires.
- R. A. East has purchased the J. W. Peery homestead at the lower end of town.