Unique number to remember the seventh centenary of the Franciscan institution of the representation of the holy crib. Publisher The crib, around 1923. It contains writings by: Jacopone Da Todi, Riccardo Bacchelli, Giovanni Joergensen, Bernardino Lanzi, Raffaele Calzini, Louis Le Cardonnel, Antonio Fradeletto, Vincenzo Polidori, Bino Binazzi, Martino Vannuccini, Giannino Marescalchi.
Illustrations and friezes by: Giannetto Malmerendi, Gino Senzani, Mirko Vucetich, Leo Longanesi, Sergio Burzi, Fede Pietra, Angelo Morelli. Photographs of the Casa Alinari. Curated by Ferdinando Poggioli
Unique number to remember the seventh centenary of the Franciscan institution of the representation of the holy crib. Publisher The crib, around 1923.