The painting presents the mythological story of Proserpine (Greek: Persephone), the goddess, who was abducted by Pluto, ruler of the Underworld (Greek: Hades) to be his spouse. Ceres (goddess of crops and fields), Proserpine’s mother, pleaded with Pluto and obtained a compromise, whereby Proserpine was to spend autumn and winter in the Underworld, with Hades, but would be allowed to return to the earth, in spring and summer. The myth is fundamentally a metaphor, explaining the natural cycle of vegetable life, from the planting of seeds, germination etc. to the reaping of the crops and the seeming death of plants in winter.
The painting is signed HVA, on the wheel of Pluto’s chariot, and is dated 1589.
©Dana Roxana Hrib, European Art Gallery Guidebook, Second edition, Sibiu 2011.