1. You owe the fact that you are in
India to the care and efforts of the Polish government. You are a guest in India. As a guest, you are required to behave appropriately, so that you do not tarnish the good reputation enjoyed by Polish people in India. [...]
2. Garrulousness and gossiping harms
Poland in the fight with the enemy, who is always listening. Don’t gossip and say only what’s necessary.
3. Cleanliness – is your health! Contagious diseases and epidemics always occur in dense concentrations due to sloppiness and dirty bodies, linen and clothes. It's for your and all the refugees' good to take care of personal cleanliness and that of others.
4. Discipline and subjection to authority – these are the basic requisites of the nation’s strength and its survival. As a refugee, you must be disciplined and carry out orders from your superiors obediently. Breaking orders and evading duties is detrimental to the interests of the entire refugee community.
5. Do not complain. Remember your compatriots, who perish in their millions tormented by the oppressors!