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Title page

Felix Hoffmann

La Casa del Libro

La Casa del Libro
San Juan, Puerto Rico

The Song of Songs, also called Canticle of Canticles, or Song of Solomon, is an Old Testament book that belongs to the third section of the biblical canon, known as the Ketuvim, or “Writings.” In the Hebrew Bible the Song of Songs stands with Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther and with them makes up the Megillot. The book is a collection of love poems spoken alternately by a man and a woman, and has received various interpretations across the centuries.
Felix Hoffmann (1911-1975) a Swiss graphic designer, illustrator and stained glass artist, created countless illustrations for children’s books, illustrations from literature, frescoes, and etchings.
Published by Flamberg.

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  • Titel: Title page
  • Ersteller: Felix Hoffmann
  • Datierung: 20th Century
  • Entstehungsort: Zürich, Switzerland
  • Typ: Artist Book
  • Material: Woodcut
  • Kunstrichtung: Modern
  • Kunstform: Printmaking
  • Untergrund: Paper
La Casa del Libro

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