"“Saint Peter’s tears” painting, together with penitent Magdalena, from the same author, are part of the collection that the banker Pau Bosch had in Madrid. Both were bought by Santiago Rusiñol (Barcelona, 1861- Aranjuez, 1931) in Paris, on the 28th January 1894, as suggestion of his friend Ignacio de Zuloaga, through the painter Laureà Barrau that acted as an intermediary.
The purchase of these two canvases was very important, as by the effect that it had for the enhancement of the figure and work of El Greco (Creta, 1541-Toledo, 1614), promoted by Modernists artists, as much as by Rusiñol’s paintings influence itself. As an example, the yellow colour of Saint Peter’s mantle stands out, the bedspreads of the paintings “La Morfinómana” and Rêverie, painted by Rusiñol some months later."