The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) in the payload bay of the earth- orbiting Discovery. UARS is scheduled for deploy on flight day three of the STS-48 mission. Data from UARS will enable scientists to study ozone depletion in the stratosphere, or upper atmosphere. This image was transmitted by the Electronic Still Camera (ESC), Development Test Objective (DTO) 648. The ESC is making its initial appearance on a Space Shuttle flight. Electronic still photography is a new technology that enables a camera to electronically capture and digitize an image with resolution approaching film quality. The digital image is stored on removable hard disks or small optical disks, and can be converted to a format suitable for downlink transmission or enhanced using image processing software. The Electronic Still Camera (ESC) was developed by the Man- Systems Division at the Johnson Space Center and is the first model in a planned evolutionary development leading to a family of high-resolution digital imaging devices. H. Don Yeates, JSC's Man-Systems Division, is program manager for the ESC. THIS IS A SECOND GENERATION PRINT MADE FROM AN ELECTRONICALLY PRODUCED NEGATIVE.
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