Following the successful capture of Intelsat VI satellite, three astronauts continue their chores toward moving the 4.5 ton communications satellite into the space shuttle Endeavour's cargo bay.
A fellow crew member recorded this 70mm still frame from inside Endeavour's cabin. Left to right, astronauts Richard J. Hieb, Thomas D. Akers and Pierre J. Thuot, cooperate on the effort to attach a specially designed grapple bar underneath the satellite.
Thuot stands on the end of the Remote Manipulator System's (RMS) arm while Hieb and Akers are on Portable Foot Restraints (PFR) affixed to Endeavour's portside and the Multipurpose Support Structure (MPESS), respectively.
The sections of Earth which form the backdrop for the scene are blanketed with thousands of square miles of clouds. Photo credit: NASA