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Threshing Barn

Алексей Гаврилович Венецианов1822 - 1823

Русский музей

Русский музей
St. Petersburg, Россия

Alexei Venetsianov claimed to have been inspired to paint this particular work after seeing François-Marius Granet’s Interior of the Choir in the Capuchin Church on the Plazza Barberini in Rome, acquired for the Imperial Hermitage in 1821. For more than a month, he spent every day in the Hermitage, looking at the picture. Venetsianov began painting Threshing Barn from life in the village of Safonkovo in Tver Province in summer 1822, continuing the following summer. On 22 June 1823, he wrote to N. P. Milyukov that he hoped that the work would eventually hang on the same wall as Granet’s painting. Venetsianov first showed his canvas in his studio in 1824. He wrote to Milyukov on 27 March 1824: “My Threshing Barn has been well received by everyone, except the artists, though the emperor has still to see it.” In April 1824, the painting was acquired by Tsar Alexander I for three thousand roubles.

  • Название: Threshing Barn
  • Годы жизни автора: 1780 - 1847
  • Национальность автора: Russian
  • Пол автора: Male
  • Место смерти автора: Russia, v. Poddybe
  • Место рождения автора: Russia, Moscow
  • Дата создания: 1822 - 1823
  • Место создания: Russia
  • Фактические размеры: w805 x h665 mm (Complete)
  • Тип: painting
  • Права: The State Russian Museum, 1897, The State Russian Museum
  • Техника: Oil on canvas
  • Original Title: Гумно
  • Medium Extent: Complete
  • Painter: Alexei Venetsianov
Русский музей

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