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Painel de Azulejos, Alfiz

Autor desconhecidoSéculo XVI

MNAA Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga

MNAA Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga
Lisbon, Portugal

The oriental art of tile making reached its peak in the 15th century, in Herat (Afghanistan). The use of metal oxides in the ceramic paste gave rise to an exuberant decorative panoply of vegetal motifs, enriched with Koranic calligraphy.
Alfiz derives from the Arab term al-ifriz, which is the name given to an ornamental architectural device framing a window or a door. This example, dating from between 1570 and 1580, comes from the Damascus Mosque, built by Suleyman I, the Magnificent. It was acquired by Calouste Gulbenkian, in 1923, and later donated to the MNAA, becoming part of its collection thereafter.

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  • Título: Painel de Azulejos, Alfiz
  • Criador: Autor desconhecido
  • Data de Criação: Século XVI
  • Localização da Criação: Síria, Damasco
  • Dimensões físicas: 200 cm x 150 cm x 77 cm; 206 cm x 154 cm x 75 cm
  • Tipo: Cerâmica
  • Direitos: MNAA Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, inv. 7375 Cer
  • Material: Pasta de pedra vidrada com policromia
MNAA Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga

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