A panorama of the city of Lublin. The city was depicted looking from a river, or a pond rich in a variety of fish. The cartouche at top centre, and the coat of arms on the right provide information about the city's name: Tipus civitatis Lublinesi in Regno Poloniae ex omnibus partibus mudi emporio ter. in ano celebrari cosvetoclarae. There is a description of the city’s most important buildings along the bottom edge of the engraving. This coloured copper-plate engraving comes from the second volume of Georg Braun and Franz Hogenberg’s „Civitates orbis terrarum” of 1617. The first volume of "Civitates Orbis terrarum” was published in Köln in 1572, the last and final volume appeared in 1617. The huge atlas of cities contains 546 panoramas, bird's eye views, and maps of cities from all over the word.