The decoration on the tomb of Pedro I consists mainly of Gothic relief sculpture work depicting scenes from the life of Saint Bartholomew. At the head end is the most striking element: a rose window make up of eighteen relief sculptural scenes in two concentric circles representing the Wheel of Life (outer circle) and the Wheel of Fortune (inner circle). Reading from left to right in an ascendant direction, the scenes depict joyous moments; while tragedy is depicted on the other side on the way down, most notably King Pedro in his shroud in his tomb, with an image of the King in all his majesty being the opposite image. There is also an inscription beneath the recumbent figure of Pedro which reads “H(ere) ends the World)”. The foot end of the tomb features representations of the last rites of a good death: the Viaticum and the Extreme Unction. The recumbent figure of Pedro is crowned and holds a sword in his left hand. He is flanked by four angels holding his head and shoulders and another two angels with incense. At his feet is a dog lying crosswise to his figure. The top of the tomb, which rests on six stone lions, is also decorated with the crest of Portugal.